So annoying.
Another hypocrite creature is living in this world.
And suddenly I want a supranatural power.
And if I have that super power, I would like to destroy that creature.
I really mean it.
Like seriously.
Because you must know.
It's dangerous.
More dangerous than deadly virus.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
First Post in 2016 : Wearing My Mom's Kebaya
It's been a long time since my last post.
Miss me? Yes or no?? Hihihihi...
Honestly I have many stories to write here but not this times, maybe later.
I just want to show you my Mom's Kebaya that I wore yesterday, I really fall in love with this old Kebaya by the way :)
See you later... as soon as possible :p
It's been a long time since my last post.
Miss me? Yes or no?? Hihihihi...
Honestly I have many stories to write here but not this times, maybe later.
I just want to show you my Mom's Kebaya that I wore yesterday, I really fall in love with this old Kebaya by the way :)
See you later... as soon as possible :p
Saturday, August 23, 2014
New Girl Inspiration - Zooey Deschanel
Hi guys ^^, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.... You know what? I'm really happy to be here again and then start writing again... write everything that comes to my mind :D
Now I am in the middle of watching Western series!!
Now I am in the middle of watching Western series!!
I know that it was aired from long time ago, and I have just started to watch it and still from First Season Chapter hahahaha...
Actually I have 'New Girl' First Season Chapter from long time ago, but I never ever touched it. And I don't know why, suddenly this series makes me interested. Maybe I just felt bored with the dramas and movies I usually watched. And moreover I love to watch anything drama or movie from anywhere... hmmm, okaay, except thriller genre or movie that have many blood or sadistic scenes... Oh My God, i choose to watch horror genre instead :P
Friday, July 12, 2013
Hey, Purple!
Hey July....
It has been second week in July already, time moves fast, even before you realize it...
I don't know why but I just really love purple color...
Purple is often used to describe luxury and aristocracy. This color gives the impression of magical spirituality, mystical, mysterious and able to attract attention, in addition to that, purple color gives impression of sensuality, feminine, warm, elegant and antique. Deep purple can spray strength out and increase intuition strength. Moreover, deep purple can gain inspiration, fantasy, imagination, creativity, sensitivity and obsessive. Purple is enlightenment color that can help us to take brilliant ideas outside. Purple is color from crown disk that is connected with energy from advance intelligence function. In traditional and design view, deep purple is associated with wealth and kingdom while light purple like lavender color is deputed as romantic and gives impression of spring and romance. And in psychology, purple increase the feeling of society about beautification and their reaction toward more creative ideas.
This color is often used to increase self confidence and decrease the feeling of helplessness. And it is used to cure mental disorder and nerve disorder. And it can press appetite and can used to people that have migraine. And then if you are in quarrel with your beloved person, you can take purple color as 'reconciliation present' because this color has effect as stabilization and give inspiration in contemplation.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Cianjur ~ the historical Gunung Padang
Last time met my friends,
we went to Gunung Padang (Padang Mountain), Cianjur, West Java,
Indonesia. Actually, we planned to do such-cool-backpacker-thing but
the plan suddenly failed and changed. But still, changed into another
fun travelling ;)
We departed from meeting
point approximately at 9 a.m o'clock. Too late actually if we really
want to go travelling. But it's alright, with no looking to our
destination, just hang out with friends is fun of course.
The traffic was no matter
at all, just crowded in some certain places. The actual problem was
we don't know where Gunung Padang is. So we use technology way with
looking the route from GPS and traditional way with asking some
people. Actually, the way to Gunung Padang was not hard to find, many
people knew about that historical site. And the road was just so so,
good but still had many holes in some places near Gunung Padang. But
still, could reach by car or bicycle, and there was public
transportation even there!! So if you really want to backpacker to
this place I think you will not find difficulties, don't worry ;)
![]() |
can you see the holes at the right-bottom-edge of the picture? i think that it's still beautiful :) |
![]() |
and the road is romantic and the view is beautiful |
And so la la la, we
arrived to our destination after 5 hours. And me, can't wait
patiently with what we will find in Gunung Padang \(>___<)/
But still long way to go to the top of the mountain, still must climb the killing-hard-steep stairs first, fyuuuuh.. and i rarely did some sports so it's so hard for me when climbing, run out of breath (>___<)
take a snapshot at the bottom of the hill |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
review - can you hear my heart
마음이 들리니 /
Nae Maeumi Deulrini / Can You Hear My Heart
Chinese Title : 你能听到我的心吗
Also known as: Do You Hear My Heart
Genre: Romance, drama
Episodes: 30
Broadcast Network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-02 to 2011-July-10
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:45
Chinese Title : 你能听到我的心吗
Also known as: Do You Hear My Heart
Genre: Romance, drama
Episodes: 30
Broadcast Network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-02 to 2011-July-10
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:45
Drama Korea yang
mengambil tema lebih kepada kekeluargaan, kasih sayang dan cinta
serta keserakahan akan harta dan kekuasaan ini terdiri atas 30
episode. Cukup lama untuk sebuah film korea yang biasanya hanya
terdiri dari 16 episode. Dan sejujurnya saya agak bosan ketika
menonton episode pertengahan drama ini karena kesan 'flat'nya sangat
terasa. Dan kadang saya tinggal untuk menonton drama/dorama yang lain
hehehehehe (^.^)v.
Drama ini dibuka dengan
kisah semasa kecil tokoh-tokoh utama. Mi Suk kecil (nama kecil Woo
Ri) adalah anak perempuan yang bercita-cita menjadi seorang pianis.
Walaupun tidak bisa belajar piano dan tidak bisa bersekolah karena
keadaan keluarganya yang tidak memungkinkan, namun dia tetap menjadi
anak perempuan yang riang, banyak bicara dan sangat menyayangi ibunya
yang tunarungu dan tunawicara. Mi Suk kecil ingin menjadi pianis pun
hanya karena ibunya pernah berkata bahwa suara Mi Suk kecil seperti
suara piano. Mi Suk kecil sangat mengagumi Bong Ma Roo dan ingin
sekali Bong Ma Roo menjadi kakaknya. Bong Ma Roo merupakan remaja
yang tampan dan pintar sehingga mendapatkan beasiswa karena
prestasinya akademisnya. Namun, Ma Roo sangat membenci keluarganya
yang miskin dan ayahnya yang mempunyai keterbelakangan mental. Dia
merasa malu dan selalu menyesal karena harus terlahir dari keluarga
yang keadaannya seperti itu. Bong Ma Roo selalu mengharapkan
keluarganya merupakan keluarga yang berkecukupan dan kehadiran ibu
yang hangat serta ayah yang dapat diandalkan. Meskipun masih labil,
namun sebenarnya di balik semua itu, Bong Ma Roo juga baik hati,
walaupun kebaikannya kadang tersembunyi karena dibarengi dengan
Ayah Bong Ma Roo, Bong
Young Kyu mencintai ibu Mi Suk kecil yaitu Mi Suk dan akhirnya mereka
berduapun menikah dan menjadi satu keluarga. Mi Suk kecil merasa
bahagia karena mempunyai keluarga yang lengkap yaitu seorang nenek,
seorang ayah, seorang ibu dan seorang kakak laki-laki. Dan dia pun
mempunyai nama baru yaitu Bong Woo Ri setelah sebelumnya selalu
dipanggil Mi Suk kecil. Sedangkan Ma Roo menjadi semakin membenci
keluarganya karena selain neneknya yang suka mengumpat dan ayahnya
yang mempunyai keterbelakangan mental, sekarang di keluarganya
ketambahan ibu tunarungu tunawicara dan adik perempuan yang bodoh
serta cerewet. Namun, di dalam lubuk hati Ma Roo, sebenarnya dia
sangat menyayangi keluarganya, hanya karena pengaruh dari lingkungan
dia merasa malu. Dan lama-kelamaan kelembutan dan kehangatan dari Mi
Suk serta Woo Ri dapat melelehkan hatinya sedikit demi sedikit.
Berbeda dengan kehidupan
Cha Dong Joo, yang terlahir dari keluarga yang kaya raya dari Seoul
dan mempunyai perusahaan besar dengan usaha bisnis yang berpengaruh
saat itu, Woo Kyoung Group. Segala yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan Cha
Dong Joo dapat terpenuhi. Dia bersekolah di tempat yang elit, dia
selalu diantar jemput memakai mobil kemanapun dia mau dan dia juga
belajar bermain piano. Cha Dong Joo sangat menyayangi keluarganya
apalagi kakeknya yang saat itu sedang sakit keras dan ibunya, Tae
Yeon Seok. Dan walaupun ayah Dong Joo yang sekarang, Choi Jin Chul,
merupakan ayah tirinya namun Cha Dong Joo tetap menyayanginya dan
menganggapnya sebagai ayah kandungnya.
Monday, January 28, 2013
really random talk :)
Hi everybody, it's been a loooong time since i don't post here :)
Anyway the year has been change into 2013 \\(^0^)// ...
So come on, let's make this year more more more and more beautiful, than ever...
By the way, i want to share my greatest moments in my 2012 ::
First : I have my mission, that is bachelor degree final paper, succeded completely. I graduated with good grade enough and finally have my graduation celebration.
Second : I get job, and I really grateful to God. I think my condition and situation have been lucky enough now, but I promise to myself that I must get a better job in the near future :)
Third : I MEET MY FAVOURITE IDOL EVER AND I CAN WATCH HIS PERFORMANCE..!!! MIYAVI~SAN!!!!!! It's still like a dream to me, and it's sooo precious memory to me :)
And I hope that for this year :
I can find myself, and my another dreams will come true cause there are lots things that I want to do and achieve, i hope God lead me the way :)
Meet another idols :p (Cho Shin Sei, Kim Soo Hyun, Masaki Okada, Dalmatian, Michelle Branch, Adipati, Miyavi again please XD)
Find my soulmate *this is the most important thing too I think hahahahaha :9
My family is always healthy and happy,
I can be happier than before,
Everybody is happier than before,
What about you?
Well, i hope this year will be an another great year to us :*
Anyway the year has been change into 2013 \\(^0^)// ...
So come on, let's make this year more more more and more beautiful, than ever...
By the way, i want to share my greatest moments in my 2012 ::
First : I have my mission, that is bachelor degree final paper, succeded completely. I graduated with good grade enough and finally have my graduation celebration.
Second : I get job, and I really grateful to God. I think my condition and situation have been lucky enough now, but I promise to myself that I must get a better job in the near future :)
Third : I MEET MY FAVOURITE IDOL EVER AND I CAN WATCH HIS PERFORMANCE..!!! MIYAVI~SAN!!!!!! It's still like a dream to me, and it's sooo precious memory to me :)
And I hope that for this year :
I can find myself, and my another dreams will come true cause there are lots things that I want to do and achieve, i hope God lead me the way :)
Meet another idols :p (Cho Shin Sei, Kim Soo Hyun, Masaki Okada, Dalmatian, Michelle Branch, Adipati, Miyavi again please XD)
Find my soulmate *this is the most important thing too I think hahahahaha :9
My family is always healthy and happy,
I can be happier than before,
Everybody is happier than before,
What about you?
Well, i hope this year will be an another great year to us :*
And time to RANDOM TALK for this midnight ;)
By the way, I want to post the pictures when i hang out with my best friends ^^
Sunday, January 27, 2013
review - the princess man
Title: 공주의 남자 / Gongjooeui Namja
Genre: Period, romance
Episodes: 24
network: KBS2
period: 2011-Jul-20
to 2011-Oct-06
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
"Because I'm his daughter, so feel resentment. Can love really be
strong enough to repay all the wrongs he has done? My last wish, is by your
hands, and to die in your arms."
Kisah cinta
yang tragis antara anak gadis dari Pangeran Agung Su Yang (King Sejo) yaitu Se
Ryung dan anak dari wakil perdana menteri Kim Jeong Seo yaitu Kim Seung Yoo.
Kim Seung Yoo adalah seorang pria yang tampan, pintar, ceria, cinta keluarga
dan sangat menghargai persahabatan. Walaupun agak sembrono namun kadang Seung
Yoo dapat menjadi seorang bijaksana yang memiliki kualitas sebagai seorang
bangsawan. Siapa sangka Seung Yoo yang bertingkah seperti playboy bisa setia
dan mencintai seorang gadis sepenuh hati. Sedangkan Se Ryung adalah wanita yang
ceria, keras kepala, penuh semangat, berprinsip, berkepribadian tegas dan
mempunyai rasa keingintahuan yang besar. Mereka berdua saling jatuh cinta, tapi
kemudian mereka mengetahui jika kedua orangtua mereka adalah musuh bebuyutan,
hal inilah yang membuat cerita ini tragis. Cerita ini *katanya diklaim sebagai
versi “Romeo dan Juliet” dari Dinasti Joseon/Chosun.
Pangeran Agung Su Yang meminta pada Wakil Perdana Menteri Kim Jeong Soo untuk
menikahkan kedua anak mereka. Namun, Kim Jeong Soo yang loyal kepada raja saat
itu, Raja Munjong mengetahui bahwa nantinya dirinya akan digunakan sebagai batu
loncatan dan memperkuat Su Yang agar bisa naik tahta sehingga dia menolak
permintaan dari Pangeran Agung Su Yang tersebut. Pangeran Agung Su Yang yang
kecewa pun akhirnya mengibarkan bendera peperangan pada Kim Jeong Seo yang
tidak mau berpihak padanya.
Di sisi lain,
Se Ryung yang telah mengetahui tentang perjodohan dari adik perempuannya tersebut
penasaran dan ingin mengetahui sosok Kim Seung Yoo. Takdir pun mempertemukan
mereka. Di saat Se Ryung bertamu ke kediaman Putri Kyung Hee, ternyata Putri
Kyung Hee hendak pergi belajar dan guru pengganti yang akan mengajar Putri
Kyung Hee dari awal adalah Kim Seung Yoo. Se Ryung pun meminta kepada Putri
Kyung Hee agar dapat menggantikannya untuk belajar dengan alasan bahwa dia
ingin mengenal sosok yang nantinya akan menjadi calon suaminya tersebut.
Kebohongan itu pun dimulai, Se Ryung yang menyamar sebagai Putri Kyung Hee
mulai jatuh cinta pada sosok Kim Sung Yoo. Begitupun Kim Seung Yoo. Dia mulai
terpikat pada sosok putri palsu, Se Ryung.
Raja Munjong
saat itu ternyata sedang sakit parah. Putri Kyung Hee yang merasa posisi
ayahnya, dia dan pangeran mahkota, Hong Wi yang merupakan adiknya terancam
mulai membenci Se Ryung karena ayahnya yaitu Su Yang yang sangat bernafsu untuk
naik tahta kerajaan. Raja pun untuk memperkuat kedudukan penerusnya dan
melindungi Putri Kyung Hee dan Pangeran Mahkota berusaha membuat koalisi dengan
Wakil Perdana Menteri Kim Jeong Soo dengan cara menikahkan Putri Kyung Hee dengan
Kim Seung Yoo. Kim Seung Yoo yang mendengar berita itu merasa bahagia karena
dia pikir Se Ryung akhirnya akan bersama dengannya, namun lain halnya dengan Se
Ryung yang shock akan berita tersebut karena telah terlanjur mencintai Kim Seung
Yoo namun belum sempat berkata jujur tentang kebohongannya yang menyamar
sebagai Putri Kyung Hee.
Friday, November 30, 2012
take a walk - museum purna bakti pertiwi
It was when i said that i had many schedule in my last weekend. I went to museum 'Purna Bakti Pertiwi' last weekend. It was because my mommy went to that museum, not because I'm interesting so much to go the museum. I rarely meet my Mom and my family because I live in other city to work. So, in that chance, I went to that museum because I really want meet her, I miss her so much, you know... because I work everyday so I rarely go to home too *but i'm not working in weekend.
Initially I just thought that the museum will be boring, but actually noo...!!! I paid Rp 5.000,00 to enter the museum. The museum was sooo amazing. There were many things that really attracted me!! I just thought that I love to go to this museum. I know about the history. There are many unique and old things that displayed there. Hahahaha, i don't know but it was so wonderful suddenly to be inside of the museum. I took many photos and tried to explore the museum that is soooo big!! But unfortunately I just have little time in the museum because of next schedule I was going shopping with My Mom. I guess I will go there again sometimes for more long time than this time visit.
So, okay Mom, let's go shopping (>___<)//
Photos that i took at front of the Museum :
review - warrior baek dong soo
Title: 무사 백동수 / Musa Baek Dong Soo
Previously known as: 야뇌 백동수 / Honorable Baek Dong Soo
Genre: Period
Episodes: 29
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Jul-04 to 2011-Oct-10
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
Original Soundtrack: Warrior Baek Dong Soo OST
Scriptwriter: Kwon Soon Gyu (권순규)
Producer: Lee Hyun Jik, Kim Hong Sun (김홍선)
“How can I even dream of such
happiness? If you want me to go with you, won’t you complain about my heart?
Your sincerity, I won’t forget it for the rest of my life.”
ini mempunyai latar belakang kejadian pada masa Dinasti Joseon yang berada pada
masa pemerintahan Raja Jeongjo. Pada masa tersebut seni bela diri masih
berkembang dengan pesat dan mempunyai teknik yang original ataupun yang telah
bercampur. Cerita dalam drama saeguk ini berputar pada konspirasi Putra Mahkota
Sado dan kehidupan Baek Dong Soo dari sewaktu masih berada di kandungan sampai
akhirnya menjadi seorang pendekar terkenal di Joseon. Baek Dong Soo adalah
seorang prajurit yang menjadi sebuah legenda dalam kehidupan nyata sebagai
seseorang yang menciptakan panduan seni bela diri di Joseon dan merupakan
pendekar nomor 1 di Joseon. Kelompok-nya membela Raja Jeongjo dan bertarung
dengan orang-orang yang berkomplot dengan sebuah organisasi pembunuh misterius
yang ingin menjatuhkan dan membunuh Raja.
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